**Please note that as of July 14th, 2023 users will only be able to search for posts from the previous 30 days. For more information on this and other changes, please click here.**
Dates must be selected from the calendar or entered as MM/DD/YYYY. You may leave the start or end date blank if you would like your search to be open-ended. ProMED archives go back to August 19, 1994.
Logical conditions AND, OR and NOT may be used in your search. They must be all upper case.
The Wild card "*" may be used to search for part of a word. The wildcard must follow at least 3 characters. For example searching for "flu*" in ProMED-mail will find flu, influenza, fluoroquinolone etc. Please note the wildcard cannot be used with logical conditions.
Remember that the Regional Network you select determines the required language of your search term. If you select ProMED-FRA, you should enter a search term in French. ProMED-ESP requires a Spanish search term, ProMED-PORT requires Portuguese and ProMED-RUS requires Russian. PRO/MBDS, ProMED-EAFR and ProMED-mail are all English-language lists and require English search terms. The logical conditions AND, OR and NOT should always be written in English.
Please note that you must include accents in your search term if necessary.